19th August 2020

#Food & Drink

See you in the pub(s)…

19th August 2020

As hospitality venues across the country open their doors, freelance food writer and author Neil Davey, shares his thoughts on Eat Out to Help Out and helping the hospitality industry this August…

Well, without labouring the point, it’s been a tough few months, hasn’t it? What’s that old curse about living in “interesting times”?! We’re certainly experiencing those and probably will be, in some way, shape or form, for a while to come.

It’s not been an easy time for anyone, of course, and I sincerely hope that you and yours are getting by as well as anyone can. There are, at least, some positive steps to celebrate, some moments of… well, if not normality, then certainly humanity. And I’m delighted that the hospitality industry, an industry I’ve loved and been vaguely part of for 20+ years, is playing a major part in that.

The reopening of pubs and restaurants has been a huge lift for many people. The notion of “breaking bread” is a key part of our basic psychology as human beings. As a species, we thrive on social interaction. To some extent, what’s in your glass or cup doesn’t really matter: whether it’s meeting you mum for a cuppa or popping out for a pint with your friends, it’s the social interaction that keeps us happy. Obviously, the likes of Young’s Pubs would strongly suggest the latter, but you know what we mean…

After months of struggle, it’s great that the Government has finally recognised the importance of the hospitality industry with the launch of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme. While it’s both great value and great fun for the consumer, there is a serious note to this scheme: the hospitality industry contributes around £100bn to the UK economy and employs, directly and indirectly, around 6m people. After four, five months out, this industry, my industry, REALLY needs your support. Eat Out to Help Out is a great opportunity for you to help give a boost to the hospitality sector– and, in the process, lift your own spirit


I’m sure you’ve seen how it works but, in short, Eat Out to Help Out is a government-funded scheme that gives you 50% off food and soft drinks up to the value of £10 per person on any Monday to Wednesday throughout August. You don’t need a coupon. You don’t need to quote a secret password. Just book a table at any participating venue – and that includes EVERY Young’s pub (that’s over 200 pubs across the capital and the south of England).

Perhaps even more importantly than that though, after so many weeks mostly staying at home, Eat Out to Help Out has given a lot of people the confidence to return to public life and public buildings. If you are making such first steps, the hospitality industry is, after all, a very good, very responsible place to start. Customer care is at the heart of this sector, it regularly adapts to new demands, and, of course, it has very high standards of cleanliness.

From the Young’s perspective, they also want you to have a fun, relaxed and delicious time. That’s why, alongside their regular menus, and extensive drinks list, they’ve also launched a number of “summer specials” across all their pubs, including fruits de mer, Chateaubriand, and handmade summer truffle pasta.

We can’t wait to welcome you back when the time is right for you, find out all you need to know about your next visit here. 


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