1st May 2024


In Praise of the Pub Garden

1st May 2024

The ultimate British summertime escape: the pub garden

Whenever the big yellow ball in the sky pops out and says hi, Brits make a beeline for the beer garden. Whoever invented it deserves a knighthood, at least. You get all the good bits of pubbing but in a sunny, fresh-air, communing-with-nature setting. Just genius. Loads of our pubs have outstanding outside spaces, and as it’s summer, you need to know about them.

Griffin Inn, Fletching

This 500-year-old pub with five-star grub and top-drawer rooms has more treats awaiting guests out back. Their vast garden is Sussex’s best-kept secret. First, you’ll find the pretty paved terrace – a delight in its own right. But as you venture further, you’ll be rewarded by the lovely lawn. And it’s from here you get far-reaching views of the Sheffield Park estate and South Downs.

It’s a magic space to kickback among nature, sip a drink, and watch the sun setting on the ‘Sussex Serengeti’.

Explore the Griffin Inn here

Carpenter’s Arms, Tonbridge

Now, here’s a real summer-ready pub garden for you. As well as a peachy terrace, the Carpenter’s has a lovely large pergola and three cute-and-cosy garden huts. And take note that the huts are available for private hire and make a quirky party venue for up to ten people. Their handy heaters mean you can keep partying long after the sun’s gone down.

Explore the Carpenter's Arms here

The Canford, Poole

This cool coastal pub in Canford Cliffs has the living-the-outdoor- dream down pat. There are tables aplenty, three hireable Tiki Huts that host up to 20, and a row of pastel-painted Beach Huts. There’s even a food and drink station in the form of the Boat Shack. They’ve really thought of everything for your open-air pleasure.

Worplesdon Place, Guildford

This one doesn’t so much have a pub garden, but more of a pub park. They boast (and they do) two acres of beautifully landscaped grounds that overlook an enchanting lake that’s like a nature reserve for birdlife (they even have a rare pair of black swans).

It sounds idyllic because it is.

Explore Worplesdon here

Bull’s Head, Chislehurst

We all know our Great British Summer is famous for letting us down, but don’t fret; the Bull’s Head has you covered (literally). The heated garden huts are perfect for gathering with friends in a shower-sheltered situation. But if you want to stay dry but still see the sky, they have pods with see-thru canopies. The outdoor bar and Burger Shack mean you don’t even have to run to the pub for refreshments.


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