Food & Drink

Greatest bar moments

Editor, journalist and broadcaster, Lisa Markwell shares her thoughts on the things we've missed the most as we begin the countdown to being back at the bar.


Some of my greatest moments have happened standing at a bar (and once falling straight back from a bar like a felled tree… but perhaps let’s not go there today).

At an after-party years ago I was solo and feeling rather fragile after a recent surgery – the bloke who came to chat to me and compare injury notes while trying to catch the barman’s eye was Daniel Craig, arm in a sling thanks to a Bond stunt gone wrong. Now that’s a great bar moment.


Together at the bar

I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a beer drinker. Yet weirdly over the past year or so during lockdowns, a proper pint from a pub has been one of the things I’ve missed the most. I can open a nice bottle of wine at home, I can just about mix a negroni for myself and the pre-dinner G&T before attempting to cook may not have been quite the same as one from a favourite hotel bar but it did the job. But a beer from a bottle or can from the fridge just isn’t the same as one from the barrel of a pub. That first sip of a freshly pulled pint of ice-cold lager is euphoric. 


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