
Gin, All Grown Up.

It’s fair to say that gin has enjoyed a long and storied past. In its mischievous youth, it was swigged by the litre, dubbed ‘mothers ruin’ and hastily distilled in every single bathtub in London.

But, the UK’s fastest growing spirit category has pulled up its socks in a big way and is now the grown-up drink of choice. Genderless, versatile and purportedly leaves the sipper hangover-free; gin is is living its best life since the ‘craze’ of the 1600’s. 


Guest blog written by Amber Staynings, CEO and Founder, Bums on Seats

  Remember pre Covid and all those different elements that used to encompass our ‘normal’ life? Truly missed by us humans? Like all of us, I remember the spontaneity of a peaceful hour at a local coffee shop, sipping a frothy and delicious Cappuccino whilst reading my latest book (only just that second purchased from Waterstones and still with that distinctive new book smell). Or how wonderful it was to grab last minute tickets to a gig and frantically WhatsApp my friends to announce my success and ask who was free to join me in that spontaneous gesture of fun and friendship! But mainly – and regularly – let's not forget (as if) the many times I used to grab a colleague or friend and dash to the pub after a busy day - come rain or shine - to share a bottle of wine or alcohol-free beer. OH! Those early evening drinks or (sometimes very late) suppers to wind away those midweek hours in my most natural habitat and much-loved environment – the great British Pub!


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