3rd January 2022

#Chef #Food & Drink #Recipe #Youngs

Cavolo nero, pinenuts, dill, pickled ginger soup

3rd January 2022

Young’s chef Matteo Perra share’s one of his childhood favourite winter soup recipes, Cavolo nero, pinenuts, dill, pickled ginger soup.

Did you know some of the the benefits of eating pickled ginger?

Low in Calories. 
No Added Sugar.
Low in Sodium.
Plenty of Probiotics.
Important Gingerols which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.


16g parsley
25g cavolo nero
5ml rapeseed oil
16g shallot banana
1g garlic
50g potato
5g vegetable bouillon
1g pine nuts
1g dill
1g pickled ginger
salt and pepper

Preheat the oven at 170c.
Prepare a container with cold water and ice to create an ice bath.
Start peeling the potatoes and cut it in cubes.
Chop shallots, garlic. Place the pine-nuts on a tray and cook in the oven for 10 minutes.
In a saucepan add 25ml of rapeseed oil, shallot and garlic and cook over medium heat for five minutes.
Add one litre of chilled water, the vegetable bouillon and the chopped potato. Let the stock simmer until the potatoes are soft the remove from the heat and set aside.
Place a saucepan full of water over high heat and bring to boil.
Blanch the cavolo Nero, keeping few raw beats for the garnish, and the parsley for one minute and transfer immediately in the ice bath to stop cooking. This will help to keep a bright and vibrant colour.
Transfer the vegetable stock and the blanched vegetables in a blender and blend for 4 minutes at maximum speed.

Ladle the soup into your bowl of choice and garnish with toasted pine nuts, dill, raw cavolo Nero and pickled ginger. Delicious!


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